This page contains an index of all the families/ relationships in the database, sorted by their family name/ surname. Clicking on a person’s name will take you to their family/ relationship’s page.

Letter Person Family Marriage Divorce
  , Elizabeth [I0170] Family of Harvey, Benjamin and , Elizabeth [F0066]    
  , Sarah [I0168] Family of Goudy, James and , Sarah [F0065]    
A Abbott, Ellenor May [I0211] Family of Fletcher, William Harmon and Abbott, Ellenor May [F0083] 1893-04-29  
B Bacon, Annie Lisle [I0199] Family of Keesling, Horace Greely and Bacon, Annie Lisle [F0077] 1880-05-13  
  Bacon, Lydall [I0200] Family of Bacon, Lydall and McGrew, Lehella Jane [F0078] 1853-10-02  
  Baker, Donna Joyce [I0213] Family of Keesling, Allan Richard and Baker, Donna Joyce [F0084]    
  Baker, George Simon [I0220] Family of Baker, George Simon and Myers, Alberta Ethel [F0088] 1924-07-28  
  Berner, Anna [I0037] Family of Kißling, Johannes and Berner, Anna [F0016] 1630-09-28  
  Berner, Hans [I0122] Family of Berner, Hans [F0049]    
  Bosworth, Nancy [I0078] Family of Kisling, Peter and Bosworth, Nancy [F0035] 1823-11-06  
  Britt, Nick A. [I0009] Family of Britt, Nick A. and Vogel, Samantha Jean [F0003]    
  Brown, David Seymore [I0103] Family of Brown, David Seymore and Young, Stella Mae [F0043]    
  Brown, Janelle Gay [I0083] Family of Keesling, Leland Gene and Brown, Janelle Gay [F0038]    
  Brown, Michael David [I0105] Family of Brown, Michael David and Dudley, Jacquelyn [F0044]    
  Brown, Patricia Ann [I0008] Family of Keesling, Donald Lyle and Brown, Patricia Ann [F0002]    
  Bulla, Malinda [I0076] Family of Keesling, John Jr. and Bulla, Malinda [F0033]  
  Bulla, Thomas [I0238] Family of Bulla, Thomas and Fouts, Mary [F0095] 1798-10-11  
    Family of Bulla, Thomas and Mowry, Susanna [F0097]    
  Bulla, Thomas [I0241] Family of Bulla, Thomas and Widows, Esther [F0096]    
  Butler, Kathryn Sharlene [I0110] Family of Jensen, Paul Fred and Butler, Kathryn Sharlene [F0045]    
C Cashdollar, Carol [I0102] Family of Teague, Charles and Cashdollar, Carol [F0042]    
  Catron, Lainy Christine [I0014] Family of Keesling, Robert Lyle and Catron, Lainy Christine [F0005]    
  Chittam, Mary Elizabeth [I0013] Family of Keesling, Timothy Robert and Chittam, Mary Elizabeth [F0004]    
  Cory, Dan Duane [I0150] Family of Cory, Dan Duane and Haynes, Wilma Mae [F0059]    
  Cory, Jay Alan [I0151] Family of Cory, Jay Alan and Helmke, Dawn [F0060]    
D Darr, Margaret Elizabeth [I0176] Family of Keesling, Eugene Elbert and Darr, Margaret Elizabeth [F0068]    
  Daugherty, Isabella [I0164] Family of Weems, David Hamilton and Daugherty, Isabella [F0063]    
  Davis, Mahala [I0065] Family of Keesling, Andrew Jackson and Davis, Mahala [F0022] 1855-02-01  
  Dawson, John O. [I0144] Family of Dawson, John O. and Keesling, Olive Lee [F0058]    
  Dudley, Jacquelyn [I0106] Family of Brown, Michael David and Dudley, Jacquelyn [F0044]    
  Dudley, Mary Etta [I0125] Family of Keesling, Gary Sylvester and Dudley, Mary Etta [F0050]    
F Farmer, Elizabeth Mary [I0062] Family of Kisling, John Sylvester and Farmer, Elizabeth Mary [F0019] 1842-03-25  
  Ferguson, Britanny [I0133] Family of Keesling, Jarret David and Ferguson, Britanny [F0055]    
  Fisher, Benjamin [I0075] Family of Fisher, Benjamin and Kisling, Mary [F0032] 1813-06-20  
  Fleming, Mary Miranda J. [I0068] Family of Kisling, Samuel Sawyer and Fleming, Mary Miranda J. [F0025] 1849-09-14  
  Fleming, Susanna Matilda J. [I0066] Family of Kisling, Martin and Fleming, Susanna Matilda J. [F0023] 1843  
  Fletcher, Harriett Louise [I0209] Family of Keesling, Horace Hayes and Fletcher, Harriett Louise [F0082] 1917-09-23  
  Fletcher, William Harmon [I0210] Family of Fletcher, William Harmon and Abbott, Ellenor May [F0083] 1893-04-29  
  Fouts, Mary [I0239] Family of Bulla, Thomas and Fouts, Mary [F0095] 1798-10-11  
  Franklin, Margaret [I0268] Family of Keesling, Eli and Franklin, Margaret [F0102] 1851-04-15  
G Gose, Catherine [I0192] Family of Kisling, George Jr. and Gose, Catherine [F0073] 1791-11-22  
  Goudy, James [I0167] Family of Goudy, James and , Sarah [F0065]    
  Goudy, James Harvey [I0154] Family of Goudy, James Harvey and Weems, Sarah Jane [F0061]    
  Goudy, John [I0165] Family of Goudy, John and Harvey, Rebecca [F0064]    
  Goudy, Rosetta [I0019] Family of Keesling, Carie Shaffer and Goudy, Rosetta [F0007] 1901-11-20  
H Hankins, Christina [I0069] Family of Kisling, George Washington and Hankins, Christina [F0026] 1850-07-04  
  Hankins, Ellen [I0071] Family of Kisling, Robert C. and Hankins, Ellen [F0028] 1863-11-12  
  Hankins, Thomas [I0072] Family of Hankins, Thomas and Kisling, Margaret [F0029]    
  Harter, Gary Lee [I0086] Family of Harter, Gary Lee and Keesling, Martha Louise [F0039]    
  Harvey, Benjamin [I0169] Family of Harvey, Benjamin and , Elizabeth [F0066]    
  Harvey, Rebecca [I0166] Family of Goudy, John and Harvey, Rebecca [F0064]    
  Hasty, Elizabeth [I0197] Family of Keesling, Thomas Bulla and Hasty, Elizabeth [F0076] 1848-07-27  
  Haynes, Leighton Lewis [I0139] Family of Haynes, Leighton Lewis and Keesling, Crystal Helena [F0056]    
  Haynes, Wilma Mae [I0146] Family of Cory, Dan Duane and Haynes, Wilma Mae [F0059]    
  Helmke, Dawn [I0152] Family of Cory, Jay Alan and Helmke, Dawn [F0060]    
  Herter, Ursula Kathrina [I0031] Family of Kißling, Hans Jakob and Herter, Ursula Kathrina [F0013] 1726-10-29  
  Hinton, Raymond [I0226] Family of Hinton, Raymond and Keesling, Peggy Arlene [F0090]    
  Hobson, Edna [I0219] Family of Keesling, Alva Curtis and Hobson, Edna [F0087]    
  Holmstrom, Fred Edward [I0228] Family of Holmstrom, Fred Edward and Walton, Ruth Joy [F0091]    
  Holmstrom, Linda Lee [I0223] Family of Keesling, Byron Howard and Holmstrom, Linda Lee [F0089]    
  Horn, Catherine [I0190] Family of Keesling, Peter and Horn, Catherine [F0072] 1818-08-04  
  Hudson, Thomas Linn [I0215] Family of Hudson, Thomas Linn and Keesling, Ellen Clare [F0085]    
J Jensen, Lora Lynn [I0001] Family of Keesling, Timothy Robert and Jensen, Lora Lynn [F0000]    
  Jensen, Paul Fred [I0109] Family of Jensen, Paul Fred and Butler, Kathryn Sharlene [F0045]    
  Jones, Tammy Renee [I0092] Family of Keesling, Mark David and Jones, Tammy Renee [F0040]    
K Keesling, Allan Richard [I0212] Family of Keesling, Allan Richard and Baker, Donna Joyce [F0084]    
  Keesling, Alva Curtis [I0218] Family of Keesling, Alva Curtis and Hobson, Edna [F0087]    
  Keesling, Andrew Jackson [I0020] Family of Keesling, Andrew Jackson and Riggs, Susan [F0008]    
  Keesling, Andrew Jackson [I0044] Family of Keesling, Andrew Jackson and Davis, Mahala [F0022] 1855-02-01  
  Keesling, Andrew Jacob [I0126] Family of Keesling, Andrew Jacob and Shores, Opal Edith [F0051]    
  Keesling, Byron Howard [I0222] Family of Keesling, Byron Howard and Holmstrom, Linda Lee [F0089]    
  Keesling, Carie Shaffer [I0018] Family of Keesling, Carie Shaffer and Goudy, Rosetta [F0007] 1901-11-20  
  Keesling, Crystal Helena [I0138] Family of Haynes, Leighton Lewis and Keesling, Crystal Helena [F0056]    
  Keesling, Deborah Lynn [I0011] Family of Teague, Douglas Charles and Keesling, Deborah Lynn [F0041]    
  Keesling, Donald Lyle [I0007] Family of Keesling, Donald Lyle and Brown, Patricia Ann [F0002]    
  Keesling, Elbert Sullins [I0180] Family of Keesling, Elbert Sullins and Scott, Missouri Florence [F0070] 1892-05-21  
  Keesling, Eli [I0267] Family of Keesling, Eli and Franklin, Margaret [F0102] 1851-04-15  
  Keesling, Ellen Clare [I0214] Family of Hudson, Thomas Linn and Keesling, Ellen Clare [F0085]    
  Keesling, Ernest Lisle [I0206] Family of Keesling, Ernest Lisle and Mason, Eva B. [F0081] about 1910  
  Keesling, Eugene Elbert [I0175] Family of Keesling, Eugene Elbert and Darr, Margaret Elizabeth [F0068]    
  Keesling, Gary Sylvester [I0124] Family of Keesling, Gary Sylvester and Dudley, Mary Etta [F0050]    
  Keesling, Gladys Lavada [I0128] Family of Smith, Carroll Marx and Keesling, Gladys Lavada [F0052]    
  Keesling, Homer Grant [I0204] Family of Keesling, Homer Grant and Winninger, Marguerita [F0080]    
  Keesling, Horace Greely [I0198] Family of Keesling, Horace Greely and Bacon, Annie Lisle [F0077] 1880-05-13  
  Keesling, Horace Hayes [I0208] Family of Keesling, Horace Hayes and Fletcher, Harriett Louise [F0082] 1917-09-23  
  Keesling, James Clinton [I0145] Family of Keesling, James Clinton and Richman, Evangeline [F0075]    
  Keesling, James Frederick [I0264] Family of Keesling, James Frederick and Personette, Martha Ann [F0100] 1849-10-25  
    Family of Keesling, James Frederick and Whistler, Sarah Jane [F0101] 1871-11-08  
  Keesling, James William [I0187] Family of Keesling, James William and Painter, Maria Catherine [F0071] 1847-03-16  
  Keesling, Jarret David [I0093] Family of Keesling, Jarret David and Ferguson, Britanny [F0055]    
  Keesling, Jay Granville [I0216] Family of Keesling, Jay Granville and Smith, Thelma Edyth [F0086]    
  Keesling, Jessie Ray [I0202] Family of McChesney, George Granville and Keesling, Jessie Ray [F0079] 1902-03-23  
  Keesling, John Jr. [I0057] Family of Keesling, John Jr. and Bulla, Malinda [F0033]  
  Keesling, Leland Gene [I0082] Family of Keesling, Leland Gene and Brown, Janelle Gay [F0038]    
  Keesling, Mark David [I0012] Family of Keesling, Mark David and Jones, Tammy Renee [F0040]    
  Keesling, Martha Louise [I0081] Family of Harter, Gary Lee and Keesling, Martha Louise [F0039]    
  Keesling, Mary [I0234] Family of Swain, Thomas Clarkson and Keesling, Mary [F0093] 1839-06-27  
  Keesling, Michael Eugene [I0172] Family of Keesling, Michael Eugene and Mason, Dona Lee [F0067]    
  Keesling, Olive Lee [I0143] Family of Dawson, John O. and Keesling, Olive Lee [F0058]    
  Keesling, Peggy Arlene [I0225] Family of Hinton, Raymond and Keesling, Peggy Arlene [F0090]    
  Keesling, Peter [I0189] Family of Keesling, Peter and Horn, Catherine [F0072] 1818-08-04  
  Keesling, Robert Harold [I0016] Family of Keesling, Robert Harold and Rector, Julia Jeanette [F0006]    
  Keesling, Robert Lyle [I0002] Family of Keesling, Robert Lyle and Catron, Lainy Christine [F0005]    
  Keesling, Ryburn Alexander [I0177] Family of Keesling, Ryburn Alexander [F0069]    
  Keesling, Susan [I0260] Family of Swain, Elihu and Keesling, Susan [F0098] 1842-08-28  
  Keesling, Thomas Bulla [I0196] Family of Keesling, Thomas Bulla and Hasty, Elizabeth [F0076] 1848-07-27  
  Keesling, Timothy Robert [I0000] Family of Keesling, Timothy Robert and Jensen, Lora Lynn [F0000]    
    Family of Keesling, Timothy Robert and Vogel, Lisa [F0001]    
    Family of Keesling, Timothy Robert and Chittam, Mary Elizabeth [F0004]    
  Keesling, William Henry [I0262] Family of Keesling, William Henry and Minnick, Eliza Ann [F0099] 1847-12-09  
  Kisling, Anna [I0048] Family of Wisehart, James and Kisling, Anna [F0024] 1843-03-02  
  Kisling, Catherine [I0055] Family of Sheffer, Daniel and Kisling, Catherine [F0031]  
  Kisling, Daniel [I0042] Family of Kisling, Daniel and Kisling, Rebecca Ann [F0020] 1833-01-01  
  Kisling, Daniel [I0058] Family of Kisling, Daniel and Zeek, Catherine [F0034] 1823-02-05  
  Kisling, Daniel [I0064] Family of Kisling, Daniel and Kisling, Elizabeth [F0021] 1834-02-06  
  Kisling, Elizabeth [I0043] Family of Kisling, Daniel and Kisling, Elizabeth [F0021] 1834-02-06  
  Kisling, Elizabeth [I0054] Family of Raper, John and Kisling, Elizabeth [F0030] 1808-02-02  
  Kisling, George [I0061] Family of Kisling, George and Miller, Elizabeth [F0037]    
  Kisling, George Jr. [I0191] Family of Kisling, George Jr. and Gose, Catherine [F0073] 1791-11-22  
  Kisling, George Washington [I0050] Family of Kisling, George Washington and Hankins, Christina [F0026] 1850-07-04  
  Kisling, Hans Jacob [I0028] Family of Kisling, Hans Jacob and Müller, Walburga [F0012] 1754  
  Kisling, Jacob [I0022] Family of Kisling, Jacob and Riggs, Nancy [F0009] 1837-05-03  
  Kisling, Jacob [I0024] Family of Kisling, Jacob and Shaffer, Katherine K. [F0010] 1808  
  Kisling, John [I0026] Family of Kisling, John and Miller, Eva [F0011]    
  Kisling, John Sylvester [I0041] Family of Kisling, John Sylvester and Farmer, Elizabeth Mary [F0019] 1842-03-25  
  Kisling, Margaret [I0053] Family of Hankins, Thomas and Kisling, Margaret [F0029]    
  Kisling, Martin [I0045] Family of Kisling, Martin and Fleming, Susanna Matilda J. [F0023] 1843  
  Kisling, Mary [I0056] Family of Fisher, Benjamin and Kisling, Mary [F0032] 1813-06-20  
  Kisling, Mary K. [I0051] Family of Wisehart, Absolom and Kisling, Mary K. [F0027] 1848-03-02  
  Kisling, Peter [I0059] Family of Kisling, Peter and Bosworth, Nancy [F0035] 1823-11-06  
  Kisling, Rebecca Ann [I0063] Family of Kisling, Daniel and Kisling, Rebecca Ann [F0020] 1833-01-01  
  Kisling, Robert C. [I0052] Family of Kisling, Robert C. and Hankins, Ellen [F0028] 1863-11-12  
  Kisling, Samuel Sawyer [I0049] Family of Kisling, Samuel Sawyer and Fleming, Mary Miranda J. [F0025] 1849-09-14  
  Kisling, Susanna [I0060] Family of Price, Rice and Kisling, Susanna [F0036] 1821-12-13  
  Kißling, Hans Jakob [I0030] Family of Kißling, Hans Jakob and Herter, Ursula Kathrina [F0013] 1726-10-29  
  Kißling, Jacob [I0040] Family of Kißling, Jacob [F0018]    
  Kißling, Johann Georg [I0171] Family of Kißling, Johann Georg and Müller, Anna Maria [F0074] 1758  
  Kißling, Johannes [I0032] Family of Kißling, Johannes and Richert, Anna [F0014]    
  Kißling, Johannes [I0034] Family of Kißling, Johannes and Shauter, Anna [F0015] 1673-12-04  
  Kißling, Johannes [I0036] Family of Kißling, Johannes and Berner, Anna [F0016] 1630-09-28  
  Kißling, Ludwig [I0038] Family of Kißling, Ludwig and Koch, Anna [F0017] 1610-05-22  
    Family of Kißling, Ludwig and Remp, Anna [F0048] 1635-05-24  
  Koch, Anna [I0039] Family of Kißling, Ludwig and Koch, Anna [F0017] 1610-05-22  
  Koch, Michael [I0112] Family of Koch, Michael and Thussel, Katherine [F0046]    
L Lewis, David Mathew [I0131] Family of Lewis, David Mathew and Teague, Kaityn Marie [F0053]    
M Mason, Dona Lee [I0173] Family of Keesling, Michael Eugene and Mason, Dona Lee [F0067]    
  Mason, Eva B. [I0207] Family of Keesling, Ernest Lisle and Mason, Eva B. [F0081] about 1910  
  McChesney, George Granville [I0203] Family of McChesney, George Granville and Keesling, Jessie Ray [F0079] 1902-03-23  
  McGrew, Lehella Jane [I0201] Family of Bacon, Lydall and McGrew, Lehella Jane [F0078] 1853-10-02  
  Miller, Elizabeth [I0080] Family of Kisling, George and Miller, Elizabeth [F0037]    
  Miller, Eva [I0027] Family of Kisling, John and Miller, Eva [F0011]    
  Minnick, Eliza Ann [I0263] Family of Keesling, William Henry and Minnick, Eliza Ann [F0099] 1847-12-09  
  Mowry, Susanna [I0243] Family of Bulla, Thomas and Mowry, Susanna [F0097]    
  Müller, Anna Maria [I0193] Family of Kißling, Johann Georg and Müller, Anna Maria [F0074] 1758  
  Müller, Martin [I0236] Family of Müller, Martin and Schayrer, Maria Agnes [F0094]    
  Müller, Walburga [I0029] Family of Kisling, Hans Jacob and Müller, Walburga [F0012] 1754  
  Myers, Alberta Ethel [I0221] Family of Baker, George Simon and Myers, Alberta Ethel [F0088] 1924-07-28  
P Painter, Maria Catherine [I0188] Family of Keesling, James William and Painter, Maria Catherine [F0071] 1847-03-16  
  Personette, Martha Ann [I0265] Family of Keesling, James Frederick and Personette, Martha Ann [F0100] 1849-10-25  
  Price, Rice [I0079] Family of Price, Rice and Kisling, Susanna [F0036] 1821-12-13  
R Raper, John [I0073] Family of Raper, John and Kisling, Elizabeth [F0030] 1808-02-02  
  Rector, Arthur A. [I0141] Family of Rector, Arthur A. and Rosenfeld, Thora Alice [F0057]    
  Rector, Julia Jeanette [I0017] Family of Keesling, Robert Harold and Rector, Julia Jeanette [F0006]    
  Rector, Nina [I0232] Family of Wiese, Herbert and Rector, Nina [F0092]    
  Remp, Anna [I0121] Family of Kißling, Ludwig and Remp, Anna [F0048] 1635-05-24  
  Richert, Anna [I0033] Family of Kißling, Johannes and Richert, Anna [F0014]    
  Richman, Evangeline [I0194] Family of Keesling, James Clinton and Richman, Evangeline [F0075]    
  Riggs, Nancy [I0023] Family of Kisling, Jacob and Riggs, Nancy [F0009] 1837-05-03  
  Riggs, Susan [I0021] Family of Keesling, Andrew Jackson and Riggs, Susan [F0008]    
  Rosenfeld, Thora Alice [I0142] Family of Rector, Arthur A. and Rosenfeld, Thora Alice [F0057]    
S Schayrer, Maria Agnes [I0237] Family of Müller, Martin and Schayrer, Maria Agnes [F0094]    
  Scott, Mary Jane [I0157] Family of Weems, David Hamilton and Scott, Mary Jane [F0062]    
  Scott, Missouri Florence [I0181] Family of Keesling, Elbert Sullins and Scott, Missouri Florence [F0070] 1892-05-21  
  Shaffer, Katherine K. [I0025] Family of Kisling, Jacob and Shaffer, Katherine K. [F0010] 1808  
  Shauter, Anna [I0035] Family of Kißling, Johannes and Shauter, Anna [F0015] 1673-12-04  
  Shauter, Hans [I0116] Family of Shauter, Hans [F0047]    
  Sheffer, Daniel [I0074] Family of Sheffer, Daniel and Kisling, Catherine [F0031]  
  Shores, Opal Edith [I0127] Family of Keesling, Andrew Jacob and Shores, Opal Edith [F0051]    
  Smith, Carroll Marx [I0129] Family of Smith, Carroll Marx and Keesling, Gladys Lavada [F0052]    
  Smith, Thelma Edyth [I0217] Family of Keesling, Jay Granville and Smith, Thelma Edyth [F0086]    
  Swain, Elihu [I0261] Family of Swain, Elihu and Keesling, Susan [F0098] 1842-08-28  
  Swain, Thomas Clarkson [I0235] Family of Swain, Thomas Clarkson and Keesling, Mary [F0093] 1839-06-27  
T Teague, Charles [I0101] Family of Teague, Charles and Cashdollar, Carol [F0042]    
  Teague, Chelsie Brianne [I0099] Family of Watson, Robert Mark and Teague, Chelsie Brianne [F0054]    
  Teague, Douglas Charles [I0097] Family of Teague, Douglas Charles and Keesling, Deborah Lynn [F0041]    
  Teague, Kaityn Marie [I0098] Family of Lewis, David Mathew and Teague, Kaityn Marie [F0053]    
  Thussel, Katherine [I0113] Family of Koch, Michael and Thussel, Katherine [F0046]    
V Vogel, Lisa [I0006] Family of Keesling, Timothy Robert and Vogel, Lisa [F0001]    
  Vogel, Samantha Jean [I0005] Family of Britt, Nick A. and Vogel, Samantha Jean [F0003]    
W Walton, Ruth Joy [I0229] Family of Holmstrom, Fred Edward and Walton, Ruth Joy [F0091]    
  Watson, Robert Mark [I0132] Family of Watson, Robert Mark and Teague, Chelsie Brianne [F0054]    
  Weems, David Hamilton [I0156] Family of Weems, David Hamilton and Scott, Mary Jane [F0062]    
  Weems, David Hamilton [I0163] Family of Weems, David Hamilton and Daugherty, Isabella [F0063]    
  Weems, Sarah Jane [I0155] Family of Goudy, James Harvey and Weems, Sarah Jane [F0061]    
  Whistler, Sarah Jane [I0266] Family of Keesling, James Frederick and Whistler, Sarah Jane [F0101] 1871-11-08  
  Widows, Esther [I0242] Family of Bulla, Thomas and Widows, Esther [F0096]    
  Wiese, Herbert [I0233] Family of Wiese, Herbert and Rector, Nina [F0092]    
  Winninger, Marguerita [I0205] Family of Keesling, Homer Grant and Winninger, Marguerita [F0080]    
  Wisehart, Absolom [I0070] Family of Wisehart, Absolom and Kisling, Mary K. [F0027] 1848-03-02  
  Wisehart, James [I0067] Family of Wisehart, James and Kisling, Anna [F0024] 1843-03-02  
Y Young, Stella Mae [I0104] Family of Brown, David Seymore and Young, Stella Mae [F0043]    
Z Zeek, Catherine [I0077] Family of Kisling, Daniel and Zeek, Catherine [F0034] 1823-02-05