This page contains an index of all the surnames in the database. Selecting a link will lead to a list of individuals in the database with this same surname.

Letter Surname Number of People
  <absent> 2
A Abbott 1
B Bacon 2
  Baker 2
  Berner 2
  Bosworth 1
  Britt 1
  Brown 6
  Bulla 20
  Butler 1
C Cashdollar 1
  Catron 1
  Chittam 1
  Cory 3
D Darr 1
  Daugherty 1
  Davis 1
  Dawson 1
  Dudley 2
F Farmer 1
  Ferguson 1
  Fisher 1
  Fleming 2
  Fletcher 2
  Fouts 1
  Franklin 1
G Gose 1
  Goudy 4
H Hankins 3
  Harter 6
  Harvey 2
  Hasty 1
  Haynes 5
  Helmke 1
  Herter 1
  Hinton 1
  Hobson 1
  Holmstrom 2
  Horn 1
  Hudson 1
J Jensen 2
  Jones 1
K Keesling 64
  Kisling 26
  Kißling 13
  Koch 2
L Lewis 4
M Mason 2
  McChesney 1
  McGrew 1
  Miller 2
  Minnick 1
  Mowry 1
  Müller 3
  Myers 1
P Painter 1
  Personette 1
  Price 1
R Raper 2
  Rector 3
  Remp 1
  Richert 1
  Richman 1
  Riggs 2
  Rosenfeld 1
S Schayrer 1
  Scott 2
  Shaffer 1
  Shauter 2
  Sheffer 1
  Shores 1
  Smith 3
  Swain 2
T Teague 5
  Thussel 1
V Vogel 3
W Walton 1
  Watson 1
  Weems 8
  Whistler 1
  Widows 1
  Wiese 1
  Winninger 1
  Wisehart 2
Y Young 1
Z Zeek 1