Family of Keesling, Andrew Jackson and Riggs, Susan


Married Husband Keesling, Andrew Jackson [I0020]
Married Wife Riggs, Susan [I0021]
  1. Keesling, Gary Sylvester [I0124]
  2. Keesling, Carie Shaffer [I0018]


From the Database of Keith L. Smith:
The original marriage records for Madison County for the time period of A. J. and Susie's marriage were destroyed in a courthouse fire. Thus I was unable to determine which date is accurate. The date of December 25, 1867 is based on oral family history. The other two dates: The Sansberry Notes are compiled from various sources without identifying the specific source for this date and recorded by Zook in 1989. The date reported in the Anderson Plains Dealer is from a compiled list of marriages from this newspaper. I was only able to look at indices for these two sources, not the originals. Thus for this family history, I am using the marriage date from the oral family history.